Thursday, May 24, 2012


David Whalen
Facing History Introduction
1 a) Facing history and ourselves is a course that provides the opportunity for a student to look into the darkest moments of history as well as the darkest parts of themselves.  The course provides students with an understanding of whom they are and why they would make some of their decisions.  The course largely centers on the Holocaust, one of the most severe examples of human relations.  The example of the Holocaust clearly depicts the people involved as one of five categories.  The five categories of perpetrator, bystander, resistor, rescuer, and victim together make up all the roles for when a person is forced to accept less than what they expected.  The course shows how the world could get to the stage of genocide.  The students in the course learn that they can’t be a perpetrator, bystander or helpless victim.  The students learn throughout the course that genocide or any other case of dehumanization must never happen again.
b) I choose to take the course mostly because of its reputation.  There is truly no other course like this.  I heard that is also made a nice break because of how different it was.  Honestly the idea of a movie almost every day was also a very big deciding factor.  I remember how often others mentioned the course and all the comments about it were good ones.  I thought of how much I wanted to take this course and it was enough to outweigh any negative of having to deal with such depressing concepts almost every morning.
c) I am the kind of guy that likes solving problems.  Not problems like ethical dilemmas because no one wants to get in a fight about that.  I like thinking about paradoxes.  When my mind starts to wander about such deep topics as discussed in this course I feel like I’m part of something so big that others are just oblivious to.  

Reflective Essay

David Whalen
Facing History Reflective Essay

What Facing History Meant to Me
This course meant new level of understanding for me.  There are a lot of concepts that people are reluctant to look at because it gets ugly.  There are a lot of people that are afraid to face history.  If you don’t look back at the darkest moments of history then you are doomed to make the same mistakes that were already made.
 If someone only says Hitler was evil as an explanation for the Holocaust they could have been oblivious to the small previous steps.  Any person who believes Hitler was wrong could still dehumanize others just as he did.  This course showed me the steps towards genocide.  Now I can pick up on the steps before others.  This course reinforced to me that calling someone a seemingly harmless name like gay is not to far off from calling someone a Jew.  If a term was intended to demine even if you are oblivious to the power one word had doesn’t mean that word will be any less painful for who it was directed towards.  On the other hand you could use one word that has more power and in the opposite direction.  Saying stop! In the face of oppression can be very helpful.  If all the people involved in a situation were willing to be a rescuer or resistor then there would no longer be a situation.  That goes without saying if it truly was everyone but even if just one person stands up then it can be amazing what he or she can stop.  I have seen this picture many times before and it still is an inspiration to me.  Through the course I realized that I should be the tank man.  I can’t bet on someone else to stand in front of the tank so I need to do it myself.  With that said I should never go against common sense but even if the tanks were to attack he would become a martyr.  This picture is so well known because that man is a hero.  If everyone grew up with facing history in their curriculum then there would be a city of people out there with that man.   That’s one of the things facing history does; it makes heroes.  In the class I saw what happened if not enough people stood up to become heroes.  I was really inspired to see that there were some heroes involved to stop the Nazis outside of the Allied forces.  I had never heard any information on the Warsaw ghetto uprising prior to watching the film based on it.  If every single ghetto stood up like the civilians in that ghetto did there would have been possibly no concentration camps.  This meant really got my mind going.  I feel like I have been given a mission that should be a worldwide obligation.  There has never been a class about self-discovery or standing up to slavery until now.  If such dark concepts were not involved in the course I would recommend it be taught earlier on.  I can only imagine what the world would have been like if all kids learned from this class early and took each message to heart.  Kids are born without the scorn of racism.In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Bruno had to be told not to associate with Jews.   Bruno was taught that he was superior to his friend.  If instead he were taught that his friend was equal as him things would have a new light.  I don’t know if I would have lied where Bruno did at the expense of his friend but I learned it wouldn’t be easy to tell the truth.  Another thing I learned from this course was civic agency.  Normally I would have said the decision would have been easy but once I imagined all of the factors that would have been going through his mind, that the decision he made was by no means an easy one. 
            Through the course I have done a lot of thinking about myself.  I wanted to make sure I would be a person that would stand out for a friend even when I felt powerless in my own home.  To this day I don’t know I would have done so before the course.  Now I know I could not live with myself if I made the decision to punish the starving friend.  If it wasn’t for this course I would not have to make such decisions unless I painfully had to later in life.  This is also represented by the movie with Sophie’s choice.  She had to make a choice that was never meant to be made.  It’s easy to just shout a name if you are not actually the one making the choice.  If you have to live with the consequences of your choice when it is that severe then it will haunt you regardless.  I know I would have to try something drastic if I were put in that situation.  No human should ever have to go through that much fear and uncertainty.  As in many cases fear is the fear of uncertainty.  The Nazis created a reality were your worst fears are the actual outcomes. Now that such a terrible event has happened I’m glad there is at least evidence to learn from.  I assumed people could only be in total disbelief of history if that history existed before the age of photography and video.  I’m not glad to be proven wrong in that respect.  I suppose if you can persuade your mind to be that blissfully ignorant then the world must be a place free of cloudy days.  As for me I no longer have that option.  I have taken the red pill by taking this course.  It is far too late for me to take the blue pill instead and remain in perpetual ignorance. Now I will leave my mark on society to make it better.  Facing History and Ourselves revealed that I know I can a make a positive difference and I will.

Works Cited

“The Boy in The Striped Pajamas Poster.” Photo. 5/24/2012 [].

Jacobs, Alan.  “Hell’s Gale: Auschwitz-Birkenau.” ABE Project. 5/24/2012 []

“Siegen Synagogue Burns During Kristallnacht.” Florida Center for Instructional Technology. A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust. 5/24/2012 [].

Wachowski, Andy and Larry. “Red Pill and Blue Pill.” Photo. March 23, 2010 5/24/2012 []
Widener, Jeff. “Lone citizen vs. PLA tanks.” Photo. 1989. 5/24/2012 [].